What time of day are you most likely to encounter a Bigfoot or Bigfoot vocalization?

It's Squatch'n Time!

Timothy D

2/6/20241 min read

Reports of Bigfoot vocalizations and encounters with the creature are frequently anecdotal and very variable. It is difficult to pinpoint certain dates when encounters with Bigfoot are most likely to happen. However various reports and speculations have led to the suggestion of the following patterns:

Nighttime: Many Bigfoot sightings and vocalization reports have occurred during the nighttime. This is likely due to reduced human activity and increased animal movement during the nocturnal hours.

Dawn and Dusk: Bigfoot sightings have been reported during the early morning (dawn) and late afternoon (dusk) hours. These times often coincide with periods of transition between daylight and darkness, which might offer favorable conditions for the creature to remain hidden while being active.


Quiet and Remote Locations: Encounters and vocalizations are more likely to be reported in quiet and remote locations, away from human habitation and noisy areas.

Seasonal Variations: Some researchers suggest that Bigfoot might be more active during certain seasons, such as spring and fall, when food sources are abundant, and weather conditions are favourable.

Proximity to Water Sources: Reports suggest that Bigfoot might be attracted to water sources, so encounters might be more likely in areas near rivers, lakes, or streams.

Specific Habitats: Bigfoot is often associated with dense forests, mountainous regions, and wilderness areas. Therefore, encounters might be more common in these types of habitats.